Why is my Dachshund Licking their Paws? Uncovering the Causes

If you have noticed your dachshund licking their paws, you may be wondering what’s causing this behaviour. While occasional paw licking is normal, excessive or persistent licking can indicate an underlying issue.

Licking paws is something we have battled with our dachshund continuously over the last few years, having visited the vets numerous times to get a diagnosis. We soon discovered that our dog struggles with seasonal allergies in particular, and received the appropriate treatment and preventative advice from the vets to deal with this, but there can be a number of possible reasons why your dachshund may be licking their paws.

If your dachshund is licking obsessively, it’s really important to get on top of this quickly, as repeated licking can trigger what’s known as a lick granuloma (also known as acral lick dermatitis) which can become infected if not treated. When this occurs on the paws, it can also lead your dog to limp due to the discomfort.

In this guide, we'll explore the possible reasons why Dachshunds lick their paws and provide insights on how to address each cause effectively.

Understanding Paw Licking in Dachshunds

Occasional licking is a part of self-grooming, but if you notice that your dachshund has started excessively or constantly licking this can be a cause for concern and will require further investigation to identify the cause. Some of the possible reasons that may explain why your dog is licking or chewing their paws include:


Just like humans, dogs can experience allergies. If your dachshund is frequently licking their paws, it could be a sign of an allergic reaction or that something is irritating their skin. Environmental allergens such as pollen, dust, fleas, or certain food ingredients may trigger an allergic response in your pup. If you suspect an allergy, some of the signs to look out for include itchy skin, sneezing, swollen eyes, or a runny nose. However to determine if allergies are the root cause, consult with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment options. Your vet will recommend the best course of treatment depending on the severity of the allergy.

With our dachshund, his allergies were deemed to be mild and manageable with a combination of paw washing after exposure to the allergen, and use of a mild steroid ointment when his itching is particularly problematic. However they advised us that there may be further treatments we could try like tablets if the issue was to get worse. Always consult a vet first to ensure you get the right treatment for your dog.

There are also natural allergy supplements or allergy and itch chews formulated for dogs on the market which may be useful in helping to alleviate symptoms, however always consult a vet’s advice if unsure. We have tried out some herbal anti-itch chews for our dachshund, however unfortunately found these didn’t really help with the symptoms, but each dog is different so it may be worth trying.

Skin Infections or Dry Skin

Frequent paw licking in dachshunds can also be indicative of a skin infection. These infections can be caused by various factors, including bacteria, fungi, or parasites. Watch out for symptoms like redness, itching, swelling, or the presence of discharge, which may indicate your dog has an infection.

If you suspect a skin infection, it's crucial to seek veterinary attention. Your vet will be able to determine the specific cause of the infection and prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include medicated wipes or topical ointments.

Our dachshund previously has had a yeast infection affecting his paws, which required treatment with a medicated shampoo (we have been prescribed both a chlorhexidine based scrub and also Malaseb medicated shampoo for various skin infections in our dog). This helped us get on top of the issue quickly and prevented further itching and chewing.

Injury or Arthritis

Another possible reason your dachshund may be licking their paws is they may have injured the paw or have other issues with their joints causing pain and discomfort.

If you notice your dog has unexpectedly started licking their paw, the first thing to check is to make sure they don’t have a foreign object like a thorn or splinter stuck in their paw - check the pad and in between toes thoroughly for anything that may be irritating the dog or causing pain.

There’s also the possibility your dachshund may have injured their paw or leg through rough play or jumping awkwardly. If you suspect an injury, consult with your vet at your earliest convenience.

Like humans, dachshunds (and all dogs) may also suffer from conditions like arthritis as they get older. Discomfort could also prompt your dog to start licking their paws, so it’s always best to see your vet to identify the root cause of the licking.

Anxiety or Stress

Like all dogs, some dachshunds can be more prone to anxiety or stress. Excessive paw licking may be a manifestation of these emotional states. Other symptoms that may indicate that your dog is suffering with anxiety include restlessness, excessive panting, pacing, or changes in behaviour.

If your dachshund is prone to anxiety, any sort of big environmental changes can trigger stress in your dog. For example, if you've recently moved house, introduced a new pet, or experienced other significant changes, your dachshund may be feeling anxious. It's essential to identify the root cause of their anxiety and take steps to alleviate their stress.


Dachshunds are active, intelligent dogs that require mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom. Insufficient exercise and mental engagement can lead to behavioural issues, including excessive paw licking. If your dog’s excessive licking is also accompanied by other signs of restlessness or destructive behaviour, boredom may be the root cause of their licking.

To address this, ensure your dachshund receives enough exercise through regular walks and playtime. Interactive toys can also keep them mentally stimulated and divert their attention from licking their paws.

Recognising the Signs and Seeking Solutions

Identifying the cause of your dachshund's paw licking is crucial for effective resolution. Although the causes mentioned above are common, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian to confirm the underlying issue. They will perform a thorough examination and guide you towards the appropriate course of action.

Seeking Veterinary Guidance

When you notice excessive paw licking, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian. They will conduct a thorough examination to rule out any medical conditions and provide a proper diagnosis. Depending on the findings, your vet may recommend specific treatments or lifestyle changes to address the underlying cause. Remember to follow their guidance closely for the best results.

Additional Tips for Paw Care

While addressing the underlying cause of your dachshund's paw licking is crucial, maintaining good paw care is also important. Here are some additional tips to support your dog’s paw health:

Regular Paw Inspections

Check your dachshund's paws for any signs of injury, foreign objects, or swelling. If you notice anything unusual, consult your veterinarian.


Keep your dachshund's paws clean by gently wiping them with a damp cloth after walks or outdoor activities. This helps remove allergens, bacteria, or irritants that may cause itching.

Proper Grooming

Maintain proper grooming practices to prevent dry or cracked paws. Consider using paw balms or coconut oil to soothe and moisturise your dachshund's paws.

Understanding why your dachshund licks their paws is the first step towards addressing the issue effectively. Allergies, skin infections, injuries, anxiety or stress, and boredom are among the most common causes of excessive paw licking in dachshunds. By identifying the underlying cause and seeking veterinary guidance, you can help your dachshund find relief and improve their overall well-being. Remember to prioritise their paw care and maintain regular veterinary check-ups to ensure a happy and healthy dachshund.


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