The Benefits Of Crate Training For Dachshunds

Crate training can be a divisive topic among some dog owners, with some owners being very against the practice, while others support its use as a way of providing a secure space while promoting positive behaviours and an area for the dog to switch off. When we got our dachshund boy, we decided we wanted to utilise a crate for training from the very beginning. In part, this was due to researching IVDD in dachshunds and knowing that, if there ever came a time where we would need to use a crate to enforce rest, such as after a back operation, we would want this to be a space he was familiar with and comfortable using.

When implemented correctly, we have found that crate training offers advantages for both dachshunds and owners. Provided it is used in a positive manner and not as a means of punishment, crates can be a way to tap into a dog's natural denning instincts. Here's why crate training is worth considering for your dachshund.

Crate Training For Safety

Dachshunds are curious and energetic dogs, which means they can sometimes get into mischief or even danger when unsupervised. A crate serves as a safe haven where they can rest and stay out of trouble, especially when you're not around to keep an eye on them. It's particularly useful for protecting them from household hazards or when you're travelling together.

Crates As An Aid in House Training

Crate training can be an effective method to support house training dachshunds, who, like many small breeds, can sometimes be stubborn with learning to toilet outside. A crate encourages a puppy to hold their bladder and bowels, as dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area, which can help to speed up the house training process. It is however really important not to leave your puppy crated for too long without taking them out

Reduce Separation Anxiety & Create Personal Space

Dachshunds are known for their strong bond with their owners, which can sometimes result in separation anxiety. A crate can help mitigate this by providing a familiar and comfortable environment, even when you're not home. With proper training, your dachshund will learn that their crate is a safe space, which can help reduce stress and anxiety when they're alone.

Every dog also needs a personal retreat, and for a dachshund, a crate can serve this purpose perfectly. It provides them with a space that's entirely their own, where they can unwind, sleep, or enjoy some quiet playtime with their favourite toys. This personal space is particularly important in households with multiple pets or children.

Our boy sleeps in his crate over night, but we also leave his crate open and accessible during the day at home and have found that our boy will frequently go to his bed out of choice during the day, as he has learned to associate this as a positive area.

Facilitates Behavioural Training

Crate training can also be an invaluable tool for overall behavioural training. It establishes boundaries and can help manage undesirable behaviours such as excessive barking or chewing. By using the crate alongside commands and rewards, you can teach your dachshund desired behaviours within a controlled environment. For example, as part of counter conditioning, you can use a “bed” or “place” type command alongside the crate or bed area and use of a clicker or treats to help create positive associations and redirect unwanted behaviours such as reactivity to the doorbell or visitors.

Promotes a Routine

Dachshunds thrive on routine, and a crate can help establish and maintain a daily schedule. Regularly scheduled crate times for sleeping, relaxing, or quiet play can help your dachshund feel more secure and settled. This structured approach can positively affect their overall behaviour and temperament. As an example, getting your dachshund to settle in their crate after a walk or while you are eating can help them to decompress, reducing instances of “bad” behaviour in the house.

Travel Safety

For those who enjoy travelling with their pets, certain types of crates can also be used in vehicles too to keep your dog safe on car journeys. Crates or secure travel beds can help prevent your dog from roaming around the vehicle and causing distractions. Many hotels and accommodations that are pet-friendly also require pets to be crated during the stay, making it a practical solution for travellers.

We have written a post previously on choosing beds, pet carriers and car seats which may be useful to read when considering what type of travel crate to use.

Overall, when done with patience and care, crate training offers a number of benefits for dachshunds and their owners. It's not just about confinement but creating a positive, secure environment that caters to a dog's instinctual needs. With the right approach, a crate can become a space where your dachshund feels comfortable, safe, and happy. Remember, the key to successful crate training lies in making it a positive experience, never using the crate as a form of punishment. By integrating crate training into your dachshund's routine, you're providing them with a valuable skill that enhances their well-being and your shared life together.


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