How Often Should I Groom My Dachshund?

The frequency of grooming your Dachshund can depend on the specific coat type (smooth, long-haired, or wire-haired) and the individual dog's needs. This was definitely something we researched well before deciding to get a dachshund, and also when deciding what coat type of dachshund to get, as the different coats bring with them different requirements and commitments.

Grooming Smooth-Haired Dachshunds

Smooth-haired dachshunds have short, sleek fur that requires minimal grooming, which makes them the lowest maintenance type of the dachshund breed. This was in fact one of the main reasons we ended up choosing a smooth dachshund, after initially being attracted to dachshunds with a long haired coat, as researching the grooming requirements put us off.

Occasional brushing with a soft brush or grooming mitt can help remove loose hair and keep your smooth dachshund’s coat shiny, but is less of a regular requirement than their long haired or wire haired counterparts.

Smooth-haired dachshunds generally don't require frequent baths unless they get particularly dirty. Bathing every 2-3 months or as needed when muddy or dirty is usually sufficient.

sleeping dachshund puppy on vet bed

Grooming Long-Haired Dachshunds

Long-haired dachshunds have a long, silky coat that requires more attention than smooth haired dachshunds.

Regular brushing is recommended to prevent tangles and matting, at a minimum weekly but daily brushing can be even better. Pay special attention to areas prone to matting, such as behind the ears and around the tail. It can also be worth occasionally trimming your long haired dachshund’s hair to keep it in good condition.

Long-haired dachshunds may also need more frequent baths, depending on their activity level and cleanliness.

Grooming Wire-Haired Dachshunds

Wire-haired dachshunds have a coarse, wiry outer coat with a softer undercoat. Weekly brushing with a slicker brush can help remove loose hair and prevent matting.

Hand-stripping is often needed for the wiry coat to maintain its texture. When the coat becomes long and straggly, and is beginning to curl, it can be hand stripped. Hand stripping means to gently pull out the hair with the finger and thumb in the direction that the coat lies, starting at the front, and it should come out easily without causing any harm or distress to the dog.

Similar to smooth haired dachshunds, wire-hairs can be bathed every 2-3 months or as needed. Regular hand-stripping is more crucial for this coat type than frequent bathing.

General Dachshund Grooming Tips

In addition to grooming their coats, it’s also important to regularly check and clean your dachshund's ears to prevent infections. Dachshunds have large ears and can be prone to having issues with their ears, in fact our puppy had a yeast infection in his ears in the first few weeks of bringing him home, so it’s important to start this early on.

It’s also very important to keep your dachshund’s nails trimmed to a comfortable length, usually every 2-4 weeks or so. We have personally found our dachshund’s nails are very

Brushing your dachshund's teeth regularly to maintain oral hygiene is also key to maintaining good health and preventing bad breath.

Professional Grooming

Depending on your dachshund's coat type and your own grooming experience, you may choose to have a professional groomer handle more intricate grooming tasks, such as hand-stripping or trimming and styling for long-haired dachshunds.

It's essential to start grooming routines early in your dachshund's life to get them accustomed to the process. Additionally, regular grooming sessions provide an opportunity to check for any signs of skin issues, lumps, or other health concerns. Adjust the grooming frequency based on your dachshund's individual needs and lifestyle.


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