Navigating Firework Season With A Dachshund

As the weather starts to turn more autumnal here in the UK and we are approaching the season for autumn festivities such as Halloween and Bonfire Night, it’s a good time to start thinking about how to keep our dachshunds (and dogs and other pets in general!) safe this firework season, especially as fireworks are typically quite accessible to purchase at this time of year.

Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, is a British holiday celebrated on November 5th each year. It commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when a group of conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. This event is typically marked with festivities including bonfires and firework displays. As a result, on and also in the days leading up to and after November 5th, you can expect to hear and see fireworks quite frequently, both in organised displays and also in your local area.

Firework displays in the UK at this time of year can be a beautiful spectacle, but for our dachshund friends, it often can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress. The loud bangs and bright lights can be overwhelming, so it's important to be prepared during this time. Our dachshund gets very anxious at loud sounds and will often go and hide at the first sound of fireworks, so we always try to do our best to keep him calm and happy. Here are some practical tips to help your dachshund cope with fireworks.

Create a Safe Indoor Space:

Set up a safe, quiet space in your home where your dachshund can retreat to if they feel scared. If they are scared, allowing them to go where they feel safe is usually the best strategy, and we have personally found that when our dog wants to go and hide, he feels less stressed when he can go where he feels safe. Make it comfortable with their bed and some familiar toys if you can.

If possible, on firework nights, ensure your dachshund is indoors well before any displays begin. A secure environment will reduce their exposure to the noise.

Closing curtains can help muffle the sound and block out the bright flashes. It’s also a good idea to try playing some soothing background music, as this can help to drown out the noise.

Keep Calm and Carry On

Dogs often pick up on their owner's emotions. It can help to stay calm and composed, as this can provide a reassuring presence for your dachshund.

If you can, plan a long walk earlier in the day to help tire your dog out, so they may be calmer in the evening. There are also numerous options on the market for specific calming aids you can use to help your dog. Some dogs benefit from products like anxiety wraps or pheromone diffusers. Research and discuss with your vet if you feel like your dachshund may benefit.

Desensitise Gradually

It is possible to desensitise your dachshund to loud sounds such as fireworks. Expose your dachshund to recorded firework sounds at a low volume and gradually increase it over time can help them become accustomed to it before the season begins.

However it’s still a good idea to ensure your dachshund has proper identification, including a collar with your contact details and a microchip, in case they get frightened and escape.

If your dachshund's anxiety is severe, it’s best to consult your vet. They can provide advice and, if necessary, recommend anti-anxiety medications.

Remember, every dachshund is unique, and what works best for one may not work for another. Be patient and understanding, offering comfort and support during firework season. With these tips, you can help your dachshund feel more at ease and ensure their safety and well-being.


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